A Braclet to Embrace SL tools ;)

When educators enter SL there are usually wondering where they should go or what tools they should use for their educational purposes, better to say, “where the hell should I start” kind of sentences. As part of MUVEnation we have been asked to design a tour guide for tools that can be used for education so this is what I designed and the reasoning behind WHY is done so…

Based on my experiences after a year of living my SL, everyone has its own ideas and dreams from joining SL and although they might share the same tools and places they take different approach in using them. As I’m completely against limiting human mind, I decided not to explain the tools and abilities that they might have in details as I believe it will stop peoples’ mind to think of creative ways to use those tools, moreover, there are things that might not be defined as tools but still be used for educational purposes.

After a long long challenge between Anna’s’ logic, MUVEnation’s description and Viki’s imaginative brain, the decision has been made to create something in the middle… let’s say kind of “Treasure hunting thing” but with a different approach. Basically it will give you the guide to the places where the treasures are and show you everything there but then you have to choose whether or not what you see is a treasure.


Picuter: Eyem Beck

Based on that I designed a sample of tour guide in a shape of unisex bracelet which will accompany people to different island that are offering education tools, where there are tours within the island that will show all the opportunities within the islands. This object is very easy to use, it communicates only with owner so it will not bother others and it exchanges dialog best on triggered command from user which will give time to them to take their time and explore things.This sample will cover three islands that are designed for different proposes but tools within them can be used for education.

  1. IBM business centres: for computer and business related subjects
  2. Boracay: educational island, mainly focusing on self-governed learning
  3. Science Friday: for science related subjects

Although each of the island takes a specific approach but there are common shared tools within them, items below mentions some of those tools with a short description about them.

But before reading that let me first clarify “what an educational tool is?” based on my opinion: education tool can be anything that will add a value of knowledge to person or help them in learning things.

  • Places for meetings, gatherings, socialization: this places are consider as one of the main tool for informal and colborative learning where people with same or different ideas can get to gather and exchange experience, information and knowledge.
  • Lecture rooms, conference rooms and amphitheatres: for one way knowledge transformation or mmore formal discussions these places are the best tools to be used to meet those purposes.
  • Objects to show Pictures, slides, audio and video: some of them are one way knowledge transfer which can be used without presence of educator. This is the good way to engage students and provide them with resources that can be helpful. On the other hand, such tools can be used for group activates with both students themselves or in the presence of the educator, as tool to facilitate the discussions about different topics in real time.
  • Books, projects and newspapers: these tools can be either interactive or one way communicators. In some of these islands like IBM innovation pod, projects are linked to news on the web as addition source for student’s information and in Boracay some student projects are available (rez on demand) both as resources and group decisions.boracay01
  • IBM provides meeting with authors that is a unique opportunity for students to discuss with authors of the books, ask their questions and learn from others ideas.
  • Boracay provides interactive objects with research background such as design centre and the audio room. Moreover, it provides educators with whiteboards, a chat recorder that will email a transcript to you every few minutes and in the case of people’s consent recording the meeting.
  • Science Friday is providing in- world meeting for their Friday radio broadcasts which will allow people to discuss about the subject and share their ideas which is good example of informal learning.